Hypnosis is not just an entertainer’s trick. It helps people with migraines and other symptoms. Hypnotherapists may be able to help migraineurs ease their pain, and sometimes they are even able to relieve other migraine symptoms like vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound, too.

Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.

The goal of a hypnotist is to relax patients into a trancelike state to access their subconscious minds. A good therapist will then place gentle suggestions in the subconscious that will help migraineurs deal with their pain by changing how they perceive it. In contrast to the traditional view of hypnotherapy being used to reduce or eliminate migraines, some practitioners instead focus on identifying and avoiding the patient’s specific migraine triggers. This method is doubly effective for smokers who are also migraine sufferers because it eliminates their smoking triggers as well. Hypnotherapy has been recognized as a smoking cessation technique for more than


For Your

Some patients enjoy this type of therapy so much that they decide, either on their own or with the aid of a therapist, to learn self-hypnosis. Oxford Hypnotherapy has a free downloadable book and audio course available on their website for people who would like to learn more about self-hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy is an ideal option for patients who do not respond to traditional migraine therapies. This is also a great alternative for those who are either sensitive to migraine medications or are unable to take them for medical reasons. Hypnotherapy is highly recommended for migraineur women trying to avoid medications during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Hypnosis is not magic. Patients are not under a spell or in the thrall of the person who puts them into a trance. Hypnotherapy is an interactive process between therapist and patient. Hypnotherapy should only be undertaken with a certified hypnotherapist.

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